
Skool of Salem is a skill-based eviction gameshow in which two teams, the Mafia and the Cops, compete weekly to win in a variety of different challenges. The winning team each week will be immune, while the other team will lose a player. Ultimately, one player will win and receive the grand reward for their dedication!

After half a decade of repetitive trivia and snowball fight challenges in the previous seasons of CPSkool, Skool of Salem will feature an exciting new list of challenges to compete in. You will not need an account for any website to participate in the gameshow.

One of the biggest changes in Skool of Salem will be how players get kicked out. Each challenge will include a way to become the "Bottom 2", such as getting the lowest score or performing poorly. The winning team will become immune after winning, leaving the Bottom 2 of the losing team with the choice between Saturday and Sunday to compete in a mini-challenge. The winner of the mini-challenge will stay for another week, while the loser will be eliminated.

By implementing this new system, we hope to allow players who are skilled but not a part of an alliance to safely compete, rather than have all players at the mercy of a few.

Monday - Challenge Announcement
Friday - Challenge
Saturday or Sunday - Elimination Challenge

Alliances have run the gameshow scene like the Mafia in the past - it's time for skill and teamwork to matter more! Skool of Salem's challenges and eliminations are designed in such a way that the talent and dedication of a player will determine whether they win or not, rather than their allegiances.

A contesant of Skool of Salem will hypothetically only need to be on at a bare minimum 3 days a week: A weekday between Monday and Thursday to learn what the challenge is; Friday for the challenge; and either Saturday or Sunday to participate in the new elimination system if they are a candidate for elimination. However, one should consider spending some amount of time before a challenge learning the game in order to help their team, as teamwork is necessary to win!

Challenges may also be rescheduled or delayed a week if those arrangements are needed, such as in the case of Florida2K15.

Rather than give players a standard prize this season, we would like to change things up by making the prize something a little more interesting. The prize will be a $5-$20 reward that the winner of the season would enjoy. For example, if the winner likes iTunes, they might get a $10 iTunes gift card. If the player likes BDSM, they might get a pair of handcuffs with whipped cream! Just kidding, it has to be in reason.

Please leave comments below if you have any questions that haven't been answered here! Hope you enjoy the new changes.