
This page documents the story progress of Skool of Salem weekly. Will you make history?

Week 1: A Shot Heard Round the World
Samuel Lawson became the new police chief of Salem after the mysterious death of Edward Bishop. In order to prevent a threat to his power as the Mafia grew in strength, he developed a squad of experienced police officers called the SKOOL.

The first encounter between the Mafia and the SKOOL occurred one morning when the police were alerted about suspicious activity in a parking lot. As it turned out, this parking lot hosted a drug deal that resulted in a shootout between the forces of evil and slightly less evil.

After a few minutes of bullets spraying back and forth, Dr. Bees fired a shot at Officer Hough, which was blocked by Officer Wimi, who would forever be remembered for his act of heroism.

After leaving the SKOOL to deal with the death of their comrade, Dr. Bees grabbed the money from the drug deal and escaped with the others, leaving the police force in a rough position.

Week 2: A Deal with the Devil
Haunted by the incident in the parking lot, the police force of Salem decided to lay low and avoid contact with the media. However, people in higher places wished to get in contact with the police force. A call reached the police department early one morning proposing an exchange of information at an undisclosed location.

Bumble Hough agreed to meet in person with the anonymous caller. After a physical confrontation at the entrance of a Mafia hideout, Bumble was introduced to a charismatic figure named Il Liberatore.

Although clearly affiliated with the Mafia, Il Liberatore explained that he was a part of a rising force within the organized crime scene called the Liberatori. The sudden rise of the so-called "Old Bosses" within the Mafia motivated the upstart to rebel in order to gain power themselves. Due to their inside knowledge of the Mafia, Bumble was willing to accept their terms.

However, there was a price to pay.

The Liberatori kidnapped a member of the Old Bosses to use in an initiation ceremony. Bumble was forced to fight for her life with only her fists in order to survive against her foe. In the end, she escaped victorious, but with the guilt of ending the life of Shanerys Traineryen stuck in her consciousness. 

Week 3: A Means to an End
After Bumble held her end of the deal, Il Liberatore informed the cop about illegal gambling involving a local soccer game. It appeared as though the Mafia were betting on the Golden Tigers, a team who used shady tactics to ensure victory every game. Bumble decided to prevent their chances of winning by taking an extreme measure: detonating an explosive at the soccer stadium during introductions.

The chaotic aftermath of the explosion led the police in the area to capture Damon, a Mafia member who was keeping track of the game score for his fellow comrades. Evidence appeared as though he was involved in the detonation, resulting in his arrest. As he was being hauled away by an officer, a fellow Mafia member ran up and shot Damon to prevent him from ratting out the others.

The public was now led to believe the Mafia was behind this attack, and the Tigers were out of commission, meaning Bumble had successfully pulled off a task for Il Liberatore.

Week 4: An Infiltration Gone Wrong
Public opinion was now against the Mafia after the horrific explosion at the soccer stadium. However, Penny had a hunch that something fishy was going on behind the scenes. She convinced her fellow comrade, Andy, to help her search the police department for information about who could have caused the explosion.

Once inside the department, Penny found evidence pointing towards police chief, Samuel Lawson, being responsible for the death of his predecessor, which is the event that caused him to take power and establish SKOOL.

Penny searched across the entire police department for her partner-in-crime. Thankfully, he was safe in the office of a higher up. Right before Penny crawled out of a vent to talk to Andy, police chief Lawson appeared behind Andy and shot him in the back of the head.

The week ended with tension on both sides, as a Mafia member was confirmed dead after breaking into the police department, while reports were leaked faulting Lawson for the death of deceased Edward Bishop.

Week 5: A Duty to Die
After the leaks released by Penny surfaced, Bumble felt that it was the perfect time to fully commit herself to fight for the Liberatori. Il Liberatore was glad to see Bumble joining the dark side, but he had one final task to attend to for Bumble to truly help the Liberatori.

Bumble had to die to clear the name of Il Liberatore.

Bumble was personally responsible for the explosion at the soccer stadium and the death of Mafia member Shanerys Traineryen, and Il Liberatore was responsible for her death. Therefore, the Liberatori could properly be a force for stopping evil, when in reality, they had evil intentions.

The Mafia faced a split from within with the rise of Il Liberatori.

Week 6: A Schism Between Comrades
All remaining members of SKOOL had resigned from their positions, leaving police chief Samuel Lawson to remain alone in the police headquarters. His name had been defamed, but he still remained.

Week 7: A Grave for Three
Koksa Ker decided to return to the police headquarters one last time before her final leave from the United States. Once inside, she was confronted by none other than Dr. Bees himself. Surprisingly, he felt no need to be violent. However, one more person was present in the area...police chief Samuel Lawson.

Within seconds, the entire group had been shot by one another. Koksa by Lawson, Lawson by Dr. Bees, and Dr. Bees by Lawson.

In Lawson's final moments, he admitted he had betrayed his predecessor because he wished to enact change in Salem. With Lawson gone, change could be possible.