
Welcome...to SKOOL OF SALEM!


On May 28, 2012, sign-ups for Xerxes Apprentice were opened to the public. No one could have predicted the oncoming storm of division and tension unleashed upon the CPSkool community, yet it has continued to define us as a group.

I believe it is safe to declare at this point that we have rebounded from those dark times. After years of hostility, controversy, and disharmony, we have fought our demons and worked through our disputes to rebuild what we had before, and improve upon it even further. Friendships have been rekindled and reestablished, while others were created for the first time. Perhaps this is a sign, three years after the last gameshow began, to prove the unifying nature of CPSkool by beginning a new one.

Skool of Salem aims to question the "good ol' days", back when CPSkool Forever was held as the pinnacle of gameshows. Please check the "ABOUT" page for in-depth information about the new changes in Skool of Salem.

Now then, let's get to the sign-ups prompt. Please answer these questions in a comment below in order for us to properly consider you for the season:

1. What name would you like to be known as? (Can be your real name or a fake name!)
2. What gameshow experience do you have?
3. Why would you like to participate in Skool of Salem?
4. How busy will you be over the summer?
5. What time would work for you in PST for challenges? (We're considering 3 PST)

The sign-up period will close on May 30, 2015, one week from now.
Teams will be announced May 30th and the season will begin June 1st.

Thanks for taking the time to read this post and possibly sign up. Cam and I are looking forward to an amazing season!


Swimy said...

Swimy said...
1. What name would you like to be known as?
Jacob S Wimi
2. What gameshow experience do you have?
3. Why would you like to participate in Skool of Salem?
Because im the coolest of the cool and will win no matter what :D. Plus i think you can make great story lines about me.
4. How busy will you be over the summer?
Will be on a lot as of right now.

5. What time would work for you in PST for challenges? (We're considering 3 PST)
3pst could be possibley good

Anonymous said...

1.- Bumble Hough

2.- Winnerrr!!, runner up and have participated in many others.

3.- I love gameshows.

4.- Not extremely busy.

5.- 3 PST seems fine although it might not be ideal, I can't really think of a time that would be better.

Andy said...

1. Matthias Talifield

2. I think it was 5th place in CPS Forever, then some experience in one of those CPN seasons. Also creator of the greatest gameshow ever created - Xerxes' Apprentice

3. It's been a long time since we've done anything like this before. At first I was a bit skeptical due to wondering if this will just be like past seasons where a group of people dominate. However, once I read the "Bottom Two" part on the About page, I knew I was hooked. I love the idea that even if you're alone in a crowd, you can still dominate if you have the skill. That's what a gameshow should be.

4. Fridays will be open for sure. Saturday and Sunday I know I'll have 1 shift, however it is up to change (Like one week might be Sat. night, other week it may be Sun. morning.) I think it'll work out though. I'll talk to my manager Monday and get back to you on that to maybe make that more specific.

5. 3 PST would work for me I think



Unknown said...

1. My name is Yekaterina Petrovna Zamolodchikova. I am...winner. Jokes, call me Pück.

2. I've been in CPKamp (Not sure what place lel), CPSF (Runner-up), SBS (7th Place?), and SBS2 (Last place). Guess you could say I'm pretty well-rounded!!!!!! Ahahahahahahahahahahahaha

3. I want to participate because I still miss doing gameshows. Also, this is definitely a fresh twist to the concept of gameshows about which I'm very excited.

4. I'll be working as usual but depending on the times of the challenges I don't think it should be that big of a deal.

5. I would say 1:30-2 PST. I usually work Fridays around 6 EST (3 PST). If push comes to shove I can change my Friday availability to the morning.

Zach said...

1. Dr. Bees
2. CPSkool, CPC, Xerxe's Apprentice (lel)
3. h'What's this? A handsome new gameshow woefully underpopulated by bees? Dr. Bees will put a stop to that!
4. Free for most of Summer, barring International Bring-a-Shit-Ton-of-Bees-to-Work Day
5. 3 PST is fine. 1:30-2 PST are also fine.

Penny said...

1. What name would you like to be known as? (Can be your real name or a fake name!)

I'm just gonna go with Penny because I enjoy being a lame human being and having a third name would be weird and y'all know I won't remember anyone's new name so you'll probably get called the name you were in 2010 and you'll be like what the heck is she on?? I also respond to "the girl most likely to be involved in a love triangle with Harry Styles and Derek Hough," but that's just a mouthful, isn't it?

2. What gameshow experience do you have?

I was in CPSkool (7th place), CPHigh (2nd place), CPCollege (14th place), Xerxes' Apprentice (3rd place), and Neighborhood Survival Season 2 (3rd place). I also participated in Storybook Survival and made it to the final 4 before it was cancelled, as well as Hollywood Survival and All-Star Survival.
Basically, I'm the Leonardo DiCaprio of gameshows. (I totally didn't just cry at how young and cute we were while looking up all this stuff.)

3. Why would you like to participate in Skool of Salem?

I want to participate in Skool of Salem because I think it would be a lot of fun to do another gameshow with all of you guys. It's been a few years since we've done one, and I know a lot of things have changed since then. I also know I haven't been as active on chat over the past year or two for whatever reasons (mainly because I suck), but I honestly miss you guys so much and I think this would be a great opportunity to reconnect, if you know what I mean? I know there's a lot of people who have already left for college or are leaving for college soon, and I think it would be great to have another memory with all of you. When I think of all the amazing opportunities I've had with you guys, whether I've known you from the beginning or just a year or two, I get really emotional because you guys are such a huge part of my life. I JUST WANT TO SPEND TIME WITH MY FAMILY AGAIN IDK I LOVE YOU GUYS. (Also, I lowkey want to win a gameshow since I never have and I want to prove what a gangsta I am.)

tl;dr version: it'd be fun and yeah i miss you guys

4. How busy will you be over the summer?

I do have some occasional stuff that I'm doing over the summer like vacation or a few concerts, but it won't be a huge deal and it won't be every week. It shouldn't really be different than when I was in any other gameshow in the past, and those all worked out in the end. I'll be available most days to be on chat and also I'm always on Twitter if someone needs to contact me.

5. What time would work for you in PST for challenges? (We're considering 3 PST)

I think 3PST should work for me most days. Anytime from 3PST-6PST is usually good for me. I'm also fine with mornings, but I think most people are better with evenings. As far as I know, I should be available most weeks at any reasonable time.



P.S. Penny's long-as-heck comments are back. (;

Sand said...

1. Koksa Ker
2. Cpskool
3. I need prize money for dank kush.
4. I'll be pretty busy but I think I can make time for this.
5. 3 PST or before works best for me probably.

Shannon said...

1. Shanerys Traineryen
2. CpHigh (6th), CpCollege (1st), Xerxes Apprentice (1st)
3. bc im going to continue my reign as winner of gameshows l o l
4. idk m8 i might have some stuff going on. squad is already planning a roadtrip, plus florida but yolo !!!!!!!!!!
5. i think 3 pst would be good, specifically on saturdays


Marco said...

1. What name would you like to be known as? (Can be your real name or a fake name!)


2. What gameshow experience do you have?

None lel

3. Why would you like to participate in Skool of Salem?

Andre pressured me

4. How busy will you be over the summer?

Kind of busy with work and King's Island maybe lel but I'll be available some

5. What time would work for you in PST for challenges? (We're considering 3 PST)

Anytime I'm not at work bruh

Damon said...

1. Damon or k0 or whatever

2. CPH (5th) and CPC (3rd)

3. For fun, for old time's sake, and because the rules of this particular game seem interesting. And I miss you guys ;_;

4. Not really sure, I know my mom is planning a few weekend trips during the summer, but hopefully they won't interfere too much with this. I'll do my best to make time to participate.

5. Don't know any specific times, but 3 PST seems like it would be fine.

Lewis said...

1. What name would you like to be known as? (Can be your real name or a fake name!)

Lewb Ricunt

2. What gameshow experience do you have?

Xerxes' Apprentice (lol) - 4th place, CPSkool Forever - 3rd place

3. Why would you like to participate in Skool of Salem?

y not lel

4. How busy will you be over the summer?

idk my schedule yet but I'm not super busy, 90% sure it's not an issue

5. What time would work for you in PST for challenges? (We're considering 3 PST)

depends on the day, I think weekends are okay but I think I'd like a bit later time better since that's around dinnertime for me