
Challenge 1 Interview: Dr. Bees

After securing victory for the Mafia with a grand total of 22 words, Zach (A.K.A. Dr. Bees) has been laying low in preparation for the next week of the season. Fortunately, he agreed to come by our studio to do an interview about his exciting victory with Matt and Cam.

Cam: Welcome, Zach, to the first interview of the season. How do you feel knowing that you are the first winner of a Skool of Salem challenge?

Zach: I am excite!

Matt: What made you go with the alias Dr. Bees?

Zach: I have a passion for bees. Plus, I have the freedom, or beedom, to use this alias.

Cam: Before the results came out, you were almost certain that you had lost the challenge. What caused you to feel this way?

Zach: The three word round scared us. After the other team took a decent amount of time to complete their part of the challenge, we figured we were finished.

Matt: Do you have any predictions for what the next challenge will be?

Zach: I can only hope for pineapples.

Matt: You barely beat Lew by 3 points this week. How do you feel about the Cops after experiencing them for the first time?

Zach: F**K the PO-LICE, man! The cops can't stop us. We're the Maf, we run this town!

Cam: Quite the surprising response there! Do you think that practicing with your team is what lead to your victory?

Zach: Yes, absolutely. After failing miserably in the mini-challenge, we figured we needed to work a lot harder if we wanted to stand any chance of winning.

Matt: That's great to hear. What do you think about your team?

Zach: I think that the Mafia works well together. Everyone was willing to practice more when we could contact each other.

Cam: Now that you have made sure your team was victorious, you gained the first idol of the season. Do you have any plans for its use yet?

Zach: I do have plans for it, but I can't tell the cops what they are, can I? :- )

Matt: Before I let you go, I have one last question: Do you have any advice for the other players?


Matt: Thanks for coming by tonight for this interview, Zach. We'll be seeing you next week on...



Challenge 2 post will be up on Monday, June 8, 2015. 

Thanks for reading this interview, and who knows? Maybe it will be with you next time!