
Challenge 3 Interview: Puck

In one of the biggest challenges of the season, Andre had to face his opponents in a 2 v 1. Hope seemed to be out of reach as he fought for every goal solo. In the end, a revision had to be made to compensate for both sides' issues. On the eve of the first multiple team Bottom 2, Andre agreed to do an interview with us.

Matt: Welcome to the show, Andre! What made you go with the alias PΓΌck?

Andre: Well, most people here know that my usual alias/username for anything is Mister Puck or some variation of that. It actually is something I took from Code Lyoko, and for some reason on the show, they spelled it with an umlaut. Mister Puck is an elf doll. I thought he was cool.

Cam: How much did you practice before the challenge?

Andre: In retrospect, I guess I didn't practice all that much. The night the challenge post went up, Lew and I practiced together and realized we made a good team. A day or so after that, my whole team practiced for a bit. Other than that, I didn't get much practice in.

Matt: What went through your mind as you waited for Lewis to appear and he never did?

Andre: How hard I was gonna beat his ass if he didn't show up. Nah, I was anxious and upset that he wasn't there, but I honestly was contemplating whether or not I believed I could win it for my team in a 2 v 1 match. Evidently, I couldn't.

Cam: During Game 2 of the infamous 2 v 1, you paused and it appeared as though you were going to give up. Can you walk us through what happened then, and what gave you the drive to keep going?

Andre: When I read that in the original results post I thought, "Wow, that sounds heroic." I guess I have to burst that bubble, because honestly, all I was doing was talking to Bumble about how frustrated I was and how I thought there was no way I could win. For the record, as pointless as I knew the match was, I had no intention of quitting.

Matt: How did you feel your team did in the first match? Did you feel you were ahead or behind in score?

Andre: Having talked to Sand and Bumble, I could tell the Mafia got swamped in the first match. I figured, "Lew and I will tear them apart even more." Though we eventually got to play together, I was surprised by how well we DIDN'T do. Andy and Zach posed a bigger threat than I thought they would.

Cam: What did you think of your competitors? Any comments on their gameplay?

Andre: I think they knew what they were doing. You could tell they were communicating with each other when they changed their strategy halfway through the match.

Matt: How do you feel about the revision? Are you satisfied with the final results of the challenge?

Andre: Very much so. I was advocating for a rematch, mainly because I didn't think that it was fair that Lew's absence caused us to lose a team member and let Andy have an idol he didn't really earn. I think everything's balanced now and Lew's punishment is reasonable.

Cam: To conclude the interview, do you have anything to say to your fellow contestants?

Andre: Second place is sooooo yesterday. And CPSF. And a multitude of allnighters. Hope you don't mind me winning this time! <3

Matt: Thanks for participating in the interview, Andre, and we hope you have fun with Sand and the Trainers in Florida this week. Until next time, this has been another week of...


Cam: God damnit.


The challenge post will be up Monday, June 29, 2015 due to Florida2K15.

Thanks for reading this interview, and who knows? Maybe it will be with you next time!