
Challenge 4: ENIGMA

Well, how are things in Heaven? I wish you'd say, because I’d like to know that you're all right.

The media showcased its ability to completely shift gears when it came to sides after the infamous "Tiger Extinction". Weeks of harassing the police force for its failures in fighting organized crime turned into glorification of the do-gooders against the wretched criminals responsible for terrorism.

Public opinion of the underground was going deep into the inner core of the Earth as everyone and their grandmother felt convinced that the people responsible for the deaths of the Tiger soccer team were the ones defiant against the police force.

However, the devil is in the details.

Assumptions had always been made about the capabilities of organized crime with its newfound power. The death of Agent Wimi had caused the police to expect further distraught and trauma, but could the Mafia be heartless enough to stage a terrorist attack in front of civilians? Perhaps... perhaps not.

Penny knew for sure this was not the case.

Penny had always held the ideology that it was the place of organized crime to become the modern day Robin Hoods. Their audacious pursuits would pay off for the general public in the form of increased transparency. Corruption rotted the inner core of the Salem police force, but the only ones able to shine the light on it were the ones equally as evil. The goal of the Mafia, in her opinion, was never to torment the populus.

Who could have committed this atrocity?

Penny's eyes and ears around the city reported nothing that could provide circumstantial evidence regarding the one who detonated the explosion. How could the media blame organized crime for this act when no one in the entirety of the criminal sphere had any idea what had just occurred?

Unless... it wasn't the underground who had committed the attack, but rather someone above the ground, yet right under their noses. Clearly the police were actively partaking in an investigation into the situation, but the fact that they were blaming the Mafia showed they were either incredibly inaccurate in their examination... or they were covering something up.

Penny ran over to Dr. Bee's office, where Matthias was discussing his disappointment in the latest episode of "The Janitor".

"How can they kill off another character after the death of Janitor Joe? Now all they have left are a bunch of lunch ladies and the principal."

"It's pretty obvious the principal is behind all of it. How could he let all of tho---"

"Guys, can we discuss this later?" Penny inquired. "I have a proposition that I wanted to run by you both."

"Sure," replied Dr. Bees, who cleared space on his desk in anticipation of news.

"I've been constantly thinking about that Tiger incident..."

"Yeah, I can't believe one of our guys would do that!" Matthias interjected.

"Well, that's the thing. I don't think one of our guys did it."

Silence filled the room as the doctor and the talker awaited further insight into the claim.

"Think about it. How could we have no news from anyone in the industry about this, yet the cops seem to be convinced we had something to do with this? It seems incredibly fishy to me."

"So... what is your proposal?" 

"...We need to break into the police department and find out what they know."

Matthias and Dr. Bees exchanged nervous glances, then synchronized neck movements back to Penny. 

"C'mon, Penny," Matthias argued. "What could we possibly find out that we couldn't find from just asking a few people? Money goes a long way."

"Plus," Dr. Bees added. "If we get caught, isn't that just even more horrible press for the Mafia? We'd look even more suspicious if we don't lay low."

"If you guys aren't willing to do it, I will do it. Alone."

Matthias looked at both of his comrades one last time, then sighed. "Fine. How can I resist your guilt tripping? Let's do it."

Penny smirked over at Dr. Bees, who folded his arms and glared over at a painting on his wall. "I never said I'd be a part of this. If the operation fails, don't go crying to me."

"Well, that settles it!" Andy proclaimed. "Let's go solve this puzzle of yours, Penny."


After a weeklong vacation from the gameshow, we're back again to face another insurmountable task...puzzles! In typical chat fashion, we will be utilizing the custom puzzle feature of Jigsaw Planet ( http://www.jigsawplanet.com ). The mind-bongling problem solving of this challenge have really led us to quite the "Enigma".

I would expect that most people have had experience with a jigsaw puzzle. If you have not, please make sure to do at least one this week!

We will follow a format similar to Seance, in that contestants will be given between 2 PST and 6 PST to complete the challenge individually. Each contestant will be given a 100 piece puzzle (which should take about 10 to 20 minutes). The goal of the challenge is to complete your puzzle in the shortest time puzzlebull. Possible. Sorry.

All times will be added together to create a total team score, just like other challenges. The goal is to get a lower total score than the other team. The AVERAGE team score will be used, not the raw score.

If there is a tie, we will have the fastest puzzle solvers of each team solve a brand new puzzle at the same time. Whoever solves that puzzle in the lowest amount of time wins.

The player with the lowest puzzle solving time will receive an idol, while the Bottom 2 will consist of the slowest puzzlers of the litter.

Speaking of idols, it appears that for the first time, someone has actually redeemed an idol! What could be in the briefcase that Dr. Bees received during the first week?

It turns out Dr. Bees was very lucky, as he chose to redeem his idol for the week we gave away immunity! Even though Dr. Bees is immune from elimination for the week of July 28th, he will still need to compete in the challenge and try for the lowest time along with his team.

As previously stated, you will have between 2 PST and 6 PST on Friday, July 3rd, 2015 to complete your puzzle. Will you be able to handle the daunting task ahead of you? We shall find out soon enough.

Please let us know if you are unable to be here at that time, or if you are available that day.

Thanks for taking the time to read this post, and I hope to see you there on game day.