
Challenge 4 Results

Welcome back to another thrilling week of Skool of Salem! We have just arrived back from the first vacation of the season, but now it's time to get back into the swing of things.

It's been awhile since we last talked. How have you been? A lot has happened since June 21st, the last day of Week 3. For example, we were visited by old favorites such as Buges, who has been gone since before the FOURTH season of CPSkool, way back in 2010. Everyone's favorite magazine editor-in-chief Slider94 also made an appearance recently, still as friendly as ever. Drake has made his long-awaited return to CPSkooland after an exciting tour of Europe. Chat seemed to be on the upswing as longtime friends came back to greet us as if they never left.

In terms of international and national news, significant historical events took place that shook predisposed ideas about humanity's morality. The Charleston church shooting horrifically led to the end of the lives of nine innocent citizens by the hand of a deranged mass murderer. As a result, the governor of South Carolina called for the taking down of a Confederate flag displayed in front of their State House. Amazon and Walmart ended further distribution of Confederate merchandise in their stores online and off.

The Supreme Court of the United States upheld the constitutionality of Obamacare and same-sex marriage across the entire nation. Progress continues to be made that will continue to affect our nation and possibly cause chain reactions in others for decades to come.

Greece took its place as the first advanced economy to miss a payment to the International Monetary Fund, while the United States and Cuba agreed to reopen embassies in each other's countries for the first time since 1961. Precedents have been set that will continue to define these nations.

Oh yeah, and some Florida thing happened. But that's beyond the point.

The pendulum of life is constantly swinging back and forth, bringing us triumphant victories and devastating loss, but its constant movement is what keeps us feeling alive, rather than stagnant. Skool of Salem, itself, always has a winner and a loser, but we press on to experience new challenges.



Anyway, instead of continuing the stagnate the season, let us continue on another week of our weekly venture. Similar to the challenge post on Monday, Penny was first to take action this week to start us off. Our contestants were tasked with completing a time trial jigsaw puzzle. The team with the lowest average time came out victorious, but which team would be taking home the idol?

In order to keep things fair, we decided to give team a different puzzle of an equally enticing topic. The Cops smelled terrible, which is why we decided to give them a picture of a dump to puzzle up!

As for the Mafia, we knew they were seeing red after their loss in Challenge 3, so we felt it would be fair to allow them to solve a puzzle in their vision.

If you didn't catch on, I was actually joking about the previous two pictures. Everyone was given the same photo, but some players got a flipped photo of the puzzle in order to make people who discussed the puzzle believe there were different puzzles.

If you wish to try out this puzzle yourself, here is a link to one of the versions: http://www.jigsawplanet.com/?rc=play&pid=2c7744bc1963


Every player was required to take a screenshot once they completed the puzzle, so here they are in their full glory. However, the final winner has been decided by the AVERAGE TIME of the team, not by the team with the fastest player. Having a quick player does have its advantages, though.

If you go ahead and calculate the average puzzle completion time of each team, you would be surprised to find they were pretty close. 

The Mafia managed to stay consistent throughout their team and achieved an average time of 12.03 minutes. When I did my personal run of this puzzle, that is actually the time that I got!

The Cops were polar opposites to both the Mafia and each other. Their team achieved both the highest and lowest times of the entire challenge, yet managed to get a final average time of 11.54 minutes, which was only a little behind their competitors.

As a result, Lewis has gained his first idol of the season!

And as for the Bottom 2? You would think that the Bottom 2 would consist of Penny and Zach, seeing as they had the highest times of their team. However, Zach actually decided to use his idol (surprising, huh?), which led to him being immune from elimination this week. Therefore, he has saved himself from having to compete for his spot, and his position at the Bottom has been replaced by Andy.

Andy and Penny will have to compete in a Bottom 2 challenge that, for once, will actually be relevant to the challenge at hand. I will be creating a brand new 100 piece puzzle that each contestant will need to complete using the same rules as this challenge. Please let me know what time and date will work for both of you this July 4th weekend.

Glad to see everyone back in the swing of things and wings... wow, now I'm hungry. I wish everyone good luck with the challenges ahead, and let's continue to make history together.

There will be an interview post some point this weekend along with the long awaited highlight reel for Challenge 3. Remember that old thing? Don't interrogate me about it any further! Until then, this has been another week of Skool of Salem.
