
Elimination 5

A single wind blew that morning. One swift movement of air, yet given the circumstances, it meant the world. A singular push that would make all the difference. 

For years, the Cops of our story felt a certain allegiance to their cause. Lewb was raised in a military family where he was destined to continue on the next generation of civil duty. His father had fought in the Second World War while his father before him was a Great War veteran. The volatility of the Cold War made Lewb anxious to join the armed forces, so he settled with working at the local police department. He never anticipated what had occurred over the past few months. 

Koksa was only employed due to connections she obtained during her transfer from Russia. In a time where no one could even trust their family meme era, it was a miracle Koksa was even working at the police department. Her saving grace was the fact that she was working as a secretary. The prospect of leaving the SKOOL was not overwhelming in consequences for the foreigner, yet she still felt as though she was betraying an establishment that, no matter how cautious, still accepted her and employed her for years.

Pück was distraught by the concept of leaving SKOOL. An outdoorsman who took on the role as police officer to allow himself time to supplement his daily woodcutting job, Pück looked forward to making connections with people who were looked down upon as much as he was. His larger than life appearance scared off most people, which he felt matched the way the average citizen despised the appearance of the police. Through the recent actions of the police in chief, Pück began to find himself looking down on those he associated with. 

However varied the intentions, these three officers all agreed to resign from their positions in the police force.

The Squad for Knocking Out Off-Record Lawlessness, once mighty and united, was now decimated to nothing.

This fit like a glove into Il Liberatore's plans.


This week, the elimination system was changed for this challenge specifically to finally hold a twist we have been attempting to hold for the entirety of the season. We originally planned on holding these Losers and Winners challenges when there were more people, but schedules shot down the chances of that becoming a reality until now.

If you paid close attention to the original announcement post, I actually hinted at this occurring in the photo on the right.

Bailey did not come on at all to attempt to win the idol, so by default, Zach won his second idol of the season.

As for the other four? You will find out shortly.


Il Liberatore was a satisfied man. All of the pieces of the puzzle were falling into place, and he did not have to lift a muscle. His influence and status pushed those who took action to take action to make action. Today it was announced that the biggest obstacle to organized crime, the dreaded SKOOL, ceased to be.

Now his most effective associate had come before him with an offer.

"I want to become a Liberatore," Bumble proclaimed. "Let's free those prisoners."

"What a noble mission," Il Liberatore replied with a smile. "Except, I feel you are misguided in what you seek."

Bumble shot the Mafia boss a confused glance. "Misguided? Are there not any prisoners?"

Il Liberatore chuckled, then stood up and walked towards his bookshelf. "Amore mio... there is only one prisoner. But thankfully, you can set them free without the need for violence."

"One prisoner? Were the others set free?"

Il Liberatore winced, then walked over to the window. "They have been dealt with separately, leaving us with one prisoner. If we can agree to set this prisoner free, we could really get a bang for our buck, in a sense."

"Who is this prisoner?"


Penny, Bumble, Lewis, and Andre were the four lowest scoring contestants on Challenge 5, meaning they had to complete Seances in order to fight for their survival. The worst performer on this Losers Challenge faces immediate elimination.

Below is the map of the paths the four contestants took to get to their destinations.

Andre: 15 turns; 2 minutes, 19 seconds
Penny: 16 turns; 1 minute, 28 seconds
Lewis: 21 turns; 1 minute, 34 seconds



Bumble: 25 turns; 15 minutes, 39 seconds


Il Liberatore stared blankly at the cadaver of his former associate. Loyalty was a trait that was both useful yet harmful to the crime boss. 

Those who put all they had to please him showed they were willing to take the same amount of effort to take him out. He preferred a system where those who worked for him worked until they overstayed their welcome, and from there, they went with the fishes.

Thanks to the efforts of this traitor to the police force, Il Liberatore now had no blood on his hands except the terrorist who blew up a soccer stadium and murdered a kidnapped citizen. This would further help his efforts to grow the Liberatori now that the Mafia and Cops were dissolving. 

Who could stop him now?


Thank you, Bumble, for being a part of Skool of Salem. You always made sure to be at challenges on time and truly cared for the well-being of the season. However, this was not your week, leading to your sudden elimination. After winning CPSkool Forever, it is not as though you have never experienced the taste of victory, but it seems as though Skool of Salem will not help you feel that again. I hope you enjoyed your time in the gameshow and that you continue to keep up with what goes on from here on out.

The Challenge 6 post will be up at the normal time. Cam will be hosting.
