
Challenge 5 Results

Here are the results of Challenge 5.

 Round Time: 11 seconds
Round Time: 14 seconds
Average: 12.5 seconds
Total: 25 seconds

Round Time: 17 seconds
Round Time: 16 seconds
Average: 16.5 seconds
Total: 33 seconds

Round Time: 11 seconds
Round Time: 8 seconds
Average: 9.5 seconds
Total: 19 seconds

Round Time: 9 seconds
Round Time: 10 seconds
Average: 9.5 seconds
Total: 19 seconds

Round Time: 8 seconds
Round Time: 12 seconds
Average: 10 seconds
Total: 20 seconds

Round Time: x
Round Time: x
Average: x
Total: x

In regards to Andre, he is currently handling personal matters. We have given him time to complete the challenge, but due to the limits of other schedules and the extensive waiting period experienced by other contestants, I wanted to have this post up before Sunday. As a result, we went with the solution given below.


In the original challenge post, I hinted at a twist for the Bottom 2 and Idol system. The twist was not actually the Merge, but rather a system we tried to implement previously which was not possible at the time. We call it: "Winners and Losers Challenges".

Winners Challenge: Instead of a Bottom 2, there is actually a Top 2 to this challenge. The two top performing contestants get the opportunity to fight over who gets the idol in a Maze challenge designed by Cam. In this challenge, the Top 2 consists of a tie between Zach and Bailey.

Explanation by Cam: "The challenge will be done on Skype. After being given a picture of the maze, both players will find their way through the same maze. They move by saying commands such as forwards, back, left, or right. The person who gets through the maze the quickest wins the idol but both players will not be in the running for elimination."

Losers Challenge: The remaining four contestants will have to complete a mini-Seance on their own time to ensure they are not eliminated. There will NOT be a Bottom 2; rather, the worst performing player will be eliminated outright. The Bottom 4 consist of Bumble, Penny, Lewis, and Andre.

The Seance challenge will be administered by host/s and will be the same rules and 15x15 grid as the last time the challenge occurred. 

We will be hosting both challenges tomorrow. Hopefully, Winners will be done before 3 PST and Losers can be completed throughout the day.