
Challenge 4 Interview: Lewb Ricunt

The Cops secured another victory this week after an exciting puzzle challenge. Lewis managed to show off his puzzling skills on his way to obtain the idol. Because of this, we decided to interview him to get some tips and tricks on how he managed to finish the puzzle in 6 minutes.

Cam: Welcome to the show, Lewis! How does it feel getting your first win of the season?

Lewis: It feels pretty great because I've always been one of the best in every challenge. However, I've always fallen short and I have never actually won any of the challenges until now.

Matt:  What made you go with the alias Lewb Ricunt?

Lewis: I knew I needed a pun for my alias because it's really easy to come up with puns for my name. For example, you could call me Lewb, Lewser, or Jewis. I took inspiration from the drag queen Detox Icunt and made my name Lewb Ricunt.

Cam: The Cops have won a significant amount of challenges so far. What do you attribute this to?

Lewis: Honestly, everyone on the Cops is really strong in challenges and I think we're a lot more motivated to practice for and win challenges than the Mafia. The motivation to win, I believe, is the biggest reason why we've won so many challenges.

Matt: What helped you achieve such a quick amount of time on your puzzle?

Lewis: I feel like some people might think I cheated on this puzzle or I refreshed the puzzle or something because my time was so much quicker than the others. However, there are two reasons why I did so well this challenge.

Firstly, I'm just somehow inherently good at puzzles. I have a plan for every piece and I group similarly colored pieces together. I also actually mildly enjoy doing puzzles. I believe I'm the only one on chat other than Wook who actually does puzzles for fun once in a while (though I only do them when I'm super bored, while she does them like every week).

Secondly, I might have been the only one with a strategy going into this challenge. I'd look at everything in the actual image before I started so I would know generally what colors go where in the puzzle, then I would start arranging the puzzle by combining the same-colored pieces together. I would keep associating the real image and the pieces until I had a complete puzzle.

(NOTE: Lewis insisted on recording a video of him completing a puzzle Matt made to further prove his point. He did not finish in 6 minutes, but he still shows his thought process off.)

Cam: After seeing the success of Zach using his idol, do you have any plans of playing yours

Lewis: I think I'm going to use my idol later on in the season, but I'm worried the idol will end up doing nothing.

Matt: Do you have any predictions about the path of the story?

Lewis: No. I don't even know what's going on. There was a cop chase and then somehow Bumble got kidnapped and was forced to play soccer but then the soccer stadium got bombed and then something about tigers. I don't know... who knows what will happen next?

Cam: Thanks for coming on the show this week! Any final words for your fellow contestants?

Lewis: Try not to get eliminated because the deaths have been f***ing savage so far like Jesus, Shannon got f***ing strangled by Bumble with her bare hands. Who knows how people will die next?

Matt: Interesting... well, we'll have to see who performed well enough to quell the threat of elimination so they don't end up in...


Matt: I was going to say something else, but pretty much the same thing. See ya!


The elimination post will be up tomorrow and the next challenge post will be up Monday, July 6, 2015

Thanks for reading this interview, and who knows? Maybe it will be with you next time!