
Elimination 6

I know this is the post you have all been dreading... its so hard to lose someone you love so much, but yes this will be my last post on Skool of Salem.


Now that the sad news is out of the way lets get to the elimination and idol winner.


After a double tie in the challenge, with Penny and Zach in a tie and Lew and Andre too, this week has been far from simple. This week however has been a true test of dedication, determination and will power. As the competition gets slimmer the pressure gets higher, going into our last whole week we have a group of contestants who have fought their way to the top.

Penny and Zach competed in a tie breaker challenge this week to determine who would get their hands on the LAST idol. Game changing prizes have been up for grabs every week to those who would choose to play their idols, yet only one player has redeemed it. It begs the question, what were they waiting for?

This tiebreaker gave some merit to the saying "great minds think alike"
Penny and Zach took the exact same route to the end.
But who was fastest?




Zach's lightning fast directions earned him this win, Penny took a different strategy and thought out her moves...

Neither player made one mistake in their directions, both played fantastically in the challenge and in this tiebreaker, assuring themselves another week in this game.


As for the bottom two, there's not much to say, Bailey didn't make the main challenge or the bottom 2 challenge, therefore it is Skool of Salem protocol to eliminate Bailey. 

Thanks for playing Bailey, unfortunately your busy schedule limited your time in this game, you were a great competitor and a force to be reckoned with. You took down big players and didn't break a sweat. I hope you enjoyed your time here! Please keep following along with Skool of Salem, you never know when you might be needed!

This is Cam signing off for the last time, hold back your tears, un-clench your buttocks and hold the sacrificial rites. I've had a fun time being the host this week! I hope you liked my gifs because I have spent years collecting only the finest from all corners of the internet. 
Bye for now!

-Cam AKA Sarah Jessica Parker