

What do you see?

What meaning can you derive from the randomness?

What people once see may change over time.

What people once hold sacred may lose its meaning.

And what people see may determine what they do.


The legitimacy of police chief Samuel Lawson was put under fire by a mysterious leaking of a document hinting at a conspiracy to assassinate Edward Bishop, the previous police chief. According to news outlets, an anonymous source was given the document from an informant inside SKOOL.

At the same time, Lawson pushed an initiative to increase surveillance across the city after surviving an attack on his life by a member of the Mafia. "When not even our own police department is safe," he claimed in a speech. "How can we confirm our children will be?"

Two sides divulged from the events of that fateful night. Some sided with the police due to tangible evidence that Lawson was attacked. Others believed that the leaks were real and highlighted corruption. Protests spread in waves across Salem calling for an end to police corruption.

With protests causing chaos and the attack causing paranoia, Lawson was successfully able to pass "Samuel's Law", which gave the police department unlimited power in fighting possible communist and criminal activity throughout the city of Salem.

Shifting thoughts on law and order caused some to change their perceived notions about what was moral.

One of those figures was Bumble.

Il Liberatore was thankful to have a loyal participant in the rise of his crime enterprise. The Mafia's image was crumbling, the Cops were being questioned, but the Liberatori were the silent heroes.

Bumble realized with the leaking of the Simon Document that if she continued to work with the police, she would possibly be forced to take actions against her morals. Her choice to continue associating with the Cops was temporary, and she began to question if it was worth helping out the crusaders against crime when she could be with the Liberatori full time.

The night after the death of Matthias Talifield, Bumble walked to the hideout of the Liberatori, barged into Il Liberatore's office, and stared him in the eyes without blinking.

"I want to become a Liberatore," Bumble proclaimed. "Let's free those prisoners."


Due to the unbalanced teams after the elimination of Andy, we had to find a way to balance the teams in order for this challenge to function. Therefore, Cam and I used a random number generator to decide on a player to move over to the Mafia team. 

Thankfully, the numbers led us to go with Bumble, which made sense with the story. We hope you guys will adjust to these changes smoothly, especially with the interesting team dynamic of this challenge.


It's been a puzzling week here at Skool of Salem. Maybe it's time to go back to the drawing board. Thankfully, we have the opportunity to thanks to the content of this week's challenge. Let's get to cross-examining some of these Mafia members using a process of "Separation Interrogation"!

In a series of timed rounds, one nominated player will need to solve a question using the help of pictures drawn by other teammates. Every player will be nominated three times. 

It is easier to explain this challenge with an example, so here is one: A question may be "On this week's episode of Weird Obsessions, Sally has an addiction to ____ ____." 

The hosts will give the two teammates who are not a nominated player that round two words each to draw. In this case, one player may get the words 'rocket' and 'taco', while the other player gets the words 'stove' and 'fuel'. After they finish drawing their words, the nominated player will be presented with the two images and will have 30 seconds to figure out what the pictures are and use those images to fill in the blanks.

The answer in this situation would be "rocket fuel". Players will draw two photos just to confuse the message. Photos will be moderated by the hosts before being presented to ensure that photos are clear enough to give an image. If someone drew a picture of a monkey for the word bird, that person would have to redraw the picture so everyone has a fair chance to compete.

Every player will be timed and have their averages calculated after completion. All individual player averages will then be combined into a team average. After this, we will describe how idols and Bottom 2 will work at the challenge. Please let us know your schedule for this weekend in the comments or on chat.

We will be using a schedule similar to Challenge 1, where each team will get on at a certain time to compete their part of the challenge. Based on the availability of team members, we will host the Mafia challenge on Friday, July 10, 2015 at 2 PST while the Cops challenge will be held at 5 PST the same day. 

This challenge is entirely based on the honor system. We will be moderating photos to ensure people do not try to sabotage each other, but we cannot stop people from talking to each other during the challenge. However, we hope that all contestants at this point will be honorable enough to isolate themselves from contact with each other during this challenge. 

If we suspect cheating or if we find out there is cheating in the challenge, we will take action.

We have plans for after the challenge, so as I stated above, let us know your schedule for this weekend.

Thanks for possibly taking the time to read this post (no one actually reads it), and I hope to see you there on game day.


Slider94 said...

I read it! Sounds like a fun challenge, good luck everybody!