
Challenge 6: SHOOTOUTS


All out war.
Everyone for themselves.
Trust broken.
Allegiances shattered. 
S.K.O.O.L. is no more.
The Mafia, no longer held together by the old bosses.


The S.K.O.O.L. headquarters was found abandoned by police chief Samuel Lawson in the early hours of the morning after he'd heard nothing from them for days and decided to check in on them. The filing cabinets had been emptied out, everything important had been taken. All that remained was the cold skeleton of what was once the greatest crime fighting group in the history of Salem.

 It looked as if some chaotic wind had blown through the offices, gutting it and leaving behind no remorse. Lawson couldn't believe what happened, he looked around the rooms almost expecting to turn a corner and see Pück cleaning up the mess. He spent hours looking for someone. Anybody. Door after door. Room after room. Nobody. Lawson slumped against the wall in the 'Intelligence Room', he was sliding his back slowly down the wall when he saw "LAWSON KILLED BISHOP" scribbled on every empty space on the whiteboards.

Anger boiled inside of him, then rage. Lawson lashed out, throwing anything he could around the room, pushing over filing cabinets and chairs. He looked around the room and realized the room was hardly messier than it was before, and then Edward Bishop's words echoed in his head.

"How do you kill a dead fish? Cook it."

Lawson went to his car and got the bottle of vodka he was saving for a rainy day, took his lighter from his back pocket and doused the lobby in the spirit. After one last look around the room he flicked the lighter and threw it into one of the puddles, turned to the door and left the headquarters to be engulfed by a fire of rage.

The day after made history, the headline had caused that day's newspaper to be the biggest selling newspaper issue in Salem's long life. 


Word got out that the mafia had abandoned their hangout after a few too many connections had received no answer from messages delivered there. The hangout was left in a better state than the headquarters. Surprisingly, the mafia had a little more decorum about them and the way they did things. 

They had all gone their separate ways, those in SKOOL and the mafia, each with their own agenda and goals, now they were all enemies. Memories of teammates and inside jokes paled in the shadow of the individuals' desires.


Hi it's Cam! Since Peng's away this week I'm solo hosting!



Each player will receive a 10x10 grid on which they will decide on where to place their units and tell me, these units will take up tiles on the board. Coin toss will decide who takes the first turn. Each player will take it in turns to launch an attack on 4 tiles on the enemy's board by telling me the coordinates (A1,B2,C3,D4 for example) that they wish to attack. If this attack hits an enemy unit I will say HIT but if the attack does not hit an enemy unit I will say MISS. You will have some time (about a minute) to decide on a move, if you fail to tell me a move in that time you will not attack that turn. 

This is the board:

Matches will be in a 5 player all-play-all tournament style. Each player will be assigned a letter.

              Round   Bye  Match 1    Match 2           
1          A     C:E            D:B
2          C     D:A            B:E
3          D     B:C            E:A
4          B     E:D            A:C
5          E     A:B            C:D

Bye means the player who is not required in that round.

The person who wins the most matches will be the winner of this challenge and will receive the idol! (Very special things that nobody seems to use ever but had potentially game changing rewards over the past few weeks)

The two players who win the least matches will be the bottom 2.

The challenge will be taking place on July 17th between 1-6 PST, if you have ANY issue with this time you MUST tell me before Thursday or they may be consequences xo


-Cam aka Sarah Michelle Geller