
Elimination 4

Somehow I always thought you'd get done in... because you were so desperate keen to live.

Armed burglary. Conspiracy to commit robbery. Motor vehicle theft. Weapons violations.

Just another ordinary Mafia operation.

As you might expect, an organized crime society was familiar with going outside the boundaries of the law. Drug trafficking, robbery, tax evasion, assault, money laundering, contract killing, bribery, loan sharking, blackmailing, illegal gambling... as Il Liberatore would sing, "Here are a few of my favorite things!"

Lifetimes in prison awaited anyone caught by the police, especially in these tense times. However, Penny and Matthias utilized these crimes not to further antagonize their community, but rather to quickly achieve their goals. No casualties were expected to occur during their break-in of the police station.

Sadly, sometimes life throws a curve ball, and the ones who react to it fast enough live long enough to tell the tale.

It was closing time at the police station when Penny and Matthias arrived. Officers and secretaries were going back to their homes after a long work day, meaning they were more concerned about seeing their family than noticing two suspicious figures in the dark.

There were multiple possibilities to get inside the building: walk through the entrance and sneak into the offices, break one of the windows on an upper floor, or crawl through the ventilation shafts connected throughout the entire facility. The latter seemed like the only viable option for the time.

Matthias lifted Penny up so she could break open the entrance to the shaft, then pushed her in. In order to get in himself, Matthias pulled out a rope and threw it to Penny. Penny pulled the rope as Matthias climbed up, allowing both to successfully enter the police station.

"We've got a lot of ground to cover," Penny advised. "So once we reach a fork in this ventilation system, we should split up."

"Sounds good to me," Matthias replied. "Although, before we do, I want you to make a promise to me."

Penny shot Matthias a confused look. "Promise?"

"We do not know what to expect from this, but I want you to stay away from any higher up's office. I'll handle those. If we are going to go down, I want to be the one who takes the fall."

Penny paused for a moment, then hugged Matthias. The pair exchanged silent nods, then moved forward down the vents.


The police station seemed almost entirely empty, which was unexpected considering closing time had only just arrived. Penny anticipated officers looking over last-minute paperwork or making calls, but the building was quiet. Quiet enough to hear a pin drop. This kind of quiet had its advantages for sure, but it seemed suspicious. Penny needed to stay alert.

Office number one was very tidy. Tidiness, sadly, meant almost no interesting information. All she could find was a photo of a man with his family on a boat. This man most likely went into the police force with altruistic intentions, but it struck Penny emotionally how his efforts were going in vain. Bureaucracy plagued an already corrupt system, and those who strove to improve living conditions lacked any power to do so. Penny moved onto the next office.

Inside this next office was the result of a tornado mixed with a hurricane. Trash was everywhere, cabinets were left open, and papers lay across the entire floor. It was almost as if someone had broken in before. All that was left was a single note on an old desk.

Penny blankly stared at a wall after her first read of the note. Was this note clear evidence of corruption within the Salem police department? Did Samuel Lawson kill the last police chief, Edward Bishop? Who was Simon, and what was his role in this interrogation? With this evidence, the public would know once and for all what was really in the hearts of those in charge of their police force.

However, she still needed to find more information about the explosion at the soccer match. Perhaps Matthias had found something! 

Penny rushed back inside the ventilation shaft and headed to Matthias, who was most likely in a higher up's office. Her heart was beating with excitement at the possibility of finally achieving her goal of saving Salem. 


Thanks to a perfectly timed idol, Zach was able to escape the Bottom 2 this week, leaving his teammates Penny and Andy to fight for their survival. If you read the interview post, Lewis made a video of him completing a puzzle. What he did not know is that that puzzle was the same one that this week's Bottom 2 had to complete!

Going into the puzzle, it seemed as though Andy would have the advantage, seeing as he had the fastest time on the challenge puzzle. Penny's position in the season was on the line and she knew it. Once again, she was the first to complete her puzzle.

With a time of 11 minutes, 29 seconds, Penny was very close to what she originally had in the challenge. This was going to be an extremely close match, but the final victor was decided after Andy completed his puzzle.

If you wish to try the puzzle yourself, check out this link: http://www.jigsawplanet.com/?rc=play&pid=17dc8b081f42.


Penny crawled across what seemed to be the entire police station, but she could not find her partner in crime. What she did find through her travels was that the higher up the ranks, the higher quality the office. After sifting through Simon's trashy workplace, she was relieved to be in a clean environment.

Soon, she managed to find Matthias scavenging through one of the classiest offices yet. Bursting with excitement, Penny raced to get out of the vent.

Until she noticed a man behind Matthias.

A face she could easily recognize.

Police chief Samuel Lawson.

Penny watched, a second away from death, as Samuel Lawson fired a shot into the back of Matthias' head. Immediately after firing, Lawson fell to the ground in pain and started to yell for help. The pistol he used was thrown at Matthias right before a secretary ran into the room.

"Mr. Lawson! Do you want me to call the police?"

"WE ARE THE POLICE, YOU---" Lawson refrained from saying the insult. "...Please, call an ambulance."

Penny stared at Matthias' body in absolute shock, then scrambled through the vents to get back to the hideout. Corruption needed to be revealed to the public, and thanks to Matthias' sacrifice, the people of Salem would know the truth.

Thank you, Andy, for participating in Skool of Salem. You left a huge impact on this gameshow journey we have all embarked on, and you always made sure to try your best in challenges. However, in the end, you ended up a second away from safety. Thankfully, as you have told me, this allows you more time to focus on other matters. I hope you enjoyed your time on the show and that you keep up with the path ahead. 

The Challenge 5 post will be up Monday, July 6th, 2015 at midnight PST. Until next time, thanks to everyone for ensuring another week of SOS went smoothly, and let's keep this adventure going!
