
Challenge 1 Results

Skool of Salem has officially kicked off with a successful first challenge. Thanks to everyone for showing up even though we did have some minor time issues. I feel as though you guys are more interested in the results, however.

The Cops started off as the very first team to compete in Skool of Salem. It makes sense in context with the story, as the Cops are the ones who initiated the gunfight in the challenge post.

We went with the order of Bumble, Lew, Andre, Bailey, and Swimy for this group. Here is the summary of what went down:

Round 1The original word was "metal". How hardcore! Metal is a great way to describe how solid the Cops did this round. In total, the team was able to come up with 24 words. Their streak came to an end after Bumble repeated the word "tongue".

Round 2: The original word was "phone". They could've called it from the beginning. This was a shaky round for the Cops, as Swimy failed to spell "red" without a typo 7 words in. He seemed to have trouble coming up with a response to Bailey's word "pain", as he took 8.81 seconds. Ouch!

Round 3: The original word was "teeth". Let's take a bite of what happened here...the round took a violent turn as words such as "bullet", "impact", and "gun" were thrown around. Fitting to the story, cool! After firing off 8 words, it seemed that they got too invested in the fight as Andre took 5.56 seconds to come up with the word "brawl". K-O! And not that one.

Round 4: The original word was "game", although I'll take this one seriously. Lew and Bailey felt like taking on crime today, as they used words such as "bank", "rob", and "bullet". 17 words were snatched up by these crime-fighters. Sadly, they fell to the power of little fluffy bunnies as Bailey went took 3.98 seconds to come up with the word "jackrabbit".

With Bailey gone, Lew ended up the highest-scorer of the Cops team with 19 points.

How do the Mafia compare? The Mafia struggled to get everyone together at the start, but eventually all contestants made it to the challenge on time. Let's hope this doesn't happen every week!

We used a lineup order of Penny, Shannon, Andy, Zach, and Damon for this group. Here is the summary of what went down: 

Round 1: The original word was "metal". I guess the Cops and Mafia have something in common besides devastating corruption. The group almost made it to the fifteen word mark with 16 words, but fell short when Shannon went with the word "baby" to relate with "farm". E-I-E-I-O!

Round 2: The original word was "gold". Fitting, as this round was golden. Somehow, the contestants were able to associate a total of 42 words, which was the largest amount scored in any round the entire challenge. Penny even used the word "wigwam". However, all good things must come to an end, as Damon ended up taking 3.42 seconds to come up with the word "structure". It all came tumbling down.

Round 3: The original word was "human", and no, Wook wasn't here for the challenge. Her lack of faith in humanity could clearly be shown by the Mafia's three word round. If you have the longest round, why not also have the shortest one? Penny repeated the word "shamrock" after Zach already said it. It seems she really needed a three leaf clover!

Round 4: The original word was "table". The Mafia were really on their last legs with this one. Andy and Zach pondered the meaning of "life" as they viewed "nature" and the "sky". Sadly, they went a little too deep as Andy associated the word "bug" with "food" and was shortly eliminated for deviation. I hope that doesn't bug him too much, as after a 13 word round it appears...

With a total of 22 words total, Zach has secured immunity for the Mafia and has earned himself one idol, which he can choose to redeem after the challenge post next week, or save it for another time. Be cautious with your decision, Zach!

The Mafia were able to get an astounding 71 words associated while the Cops failed to keep up with their 57 words. 

Due to their team losing, Bumble and Swimy will now need to face off in the first elimination challenge of the season: GHOST!

Bumble and Swimy will need to work together to figure out a day and time they would like to compete and let the hosts know.

Thanks to everyone involved, whether you were a contestant or a co-host, for making this an amazing challenge and ensuring that Skool of Salem was not a flop on week one. I hope this sets a precedent for the rest of the season.

I will be doing an interview with Zach this week, so check the site some point this weekend to see it. Until then, have a great night and I'll see you soon.
