
Challenge 2 Results

In one of the greatest scheduling feats in human history, we finally completed the second challenge of Skool of Salem! With the power of timers and liners, the Cops and Mafia were able to use clues in order to figure out where the GHOST was located. Some took longer than others, but in the end, we did not need to use the times to determine a final winning team.

The twist this week had our contestants compete individually rather than with their team in an effort that would add to their team's total score. The team with the lowest overall score among all teammates would end up victorious and the lowest scorer would receive an idol.

The Cops tended to be the late starters this challenge due to last-minute schedule conflicts, but they all successfully handled their business and fought for their spots this week.

The lowest-scoring player of the Cops (which means the one who took the most turns like golf) ended up being the winner for his team last challenge, Lewis, who took a total of 27 turns to get to the objective, 7 of which were clue turns.

There was a tie for second place between the chocolate-hater Andre and the Swimy-dater Bailey with both taking 25 turns to complete their turns. Because of their tie, the one who took longer to complete the challenge will decide the Bottom 2 for their team, in the case that they lost. Both also used 5 clues each, which I found interesting.

With only four players, this leaves Bumble as the best performer out of the Cops with a total of 20 turns to complete the challenge, 6 of which were clue turns.

One more team remained out of the two...who could it be? Oh yeah, the Mafia! After being motivated by their previous victory, this team went into the challenge with enthusiasm and the goal of taking victory from the jaws of defeat.

After using a record 12 clues, Shannon reached her destination in 38 turns. Cam did not have a fun time with this challenge, using clues such as "THE GHOST IS BECOMING INCREASINGLY ANGRY WITH YOUR CONSTANT NEED FOR CLUES, YOU HEAR A BANG UPWARDS" and "YOUR CONSTANT CLUES ARE ANGERING THE GHOST, YOU HEAR A NOISE TO THE RIGHT".

The first person to compete in the challenge ended up being Damon, who fired off commands lightspeed to get to his objective. However, he ended up taking 34 turns, only 4 of which were used for clues.

Luck was on the side of Penny this week, as she just barely missed possibly being on the Bottom 2. She took a total of 31 turns, 10 of which were used for getting clues.

Just as his friend barely missed elimination, Andy barely missed being the top player on his team. He was very cautious and careful with using clues, as only 3 of his 26 turns were clues. Nice playing, Xerxes!

This leaves the last player as the winner of Team Endurance, Zach, who decided to once again undermine Lewis with a 23 turn run where he only used 6 clues. However, this challenge required a team effort in order to get a final immunity, just like Team Endurance. Was this enough? It appears not, as...

With a team total of 97 turns, Bumble has earned the idol of the Map to meet with GHOST during the elimination post. The team average for the Cops was 24.25 turns. As for the Mafia, the team total was 152 turns with a team average of 30.4 turns.

Because the Mafia team failed to secure the victory this week, this means that the players who took the most turns to complete the challenge have become the Bottom 2 this week.

Shannon and Damon must let Peng or Cam know a date and time that would work for them to have the second elimination challenge. The challenge this week will be a word game that I would like to call "Cornucopia". This is how it works:

A host will give the contestants a word such as "cornucopia" or "restoration" separately. Each contestant will get a certain amount of time to say as many words that they can create using the letters of the word. For example, you could create the words "pun", "corn", and "acorn" from the word "cornucopia". Whoever gets the most words created after 5 different words are given will be the safe player this week, while the other player will be pushing daisies.

Thank you guys for helping create another successful week of Skool of Salem. It was stressful to say the least, and I was worried it was not going to work out halfway through the week, but in the end, we all worked together to make a solution and communicate to get scheduling figured out. 

The interview this week will be with Bumble, and I will see you next with the results of the second elimination challenge of the season. For now, enjoy the WWC!
