
Challenge 2 Interview: Bumble Hough

The Cops have tasted their first bite of victory this week thanks to their ability to secure a 24.25 turn average during Seance. Bumble (A.K.A. Bumble Hough) took the lead for her previously humiliated team. She has agreed to an interview with Matt and Cam to discuss what led to this outcome for Challenge 2!

Cam: Wow, it's been a crazy week, but the Cops did it! How does it feel experiencing the first win for your team this season?

Bumble: It feels great! I was really nervous coming into this challenge because I wanted to prove to myself that I'm still able to win.

Matt: What made you go with the alias Bumble Hough?

Bumble: Here's my chance to finally talk about how much I love Derek Hough. He's the greatest and he has a great last name. Right when I saw that we could have a different name, I knew I had to jump on the opportunity to be addressed as Mrs. Hough.

Cam: You took your time during this challenge, but ended up with the lowest amount of moves. Do you feel as though taking your time helped with your victory?

Bumble: For sure! I think the elimination challenge last week prepared me for this in a way because I wrote down my moves and contemplated them just like I did in Ghost. I didn't want to rush because I knew if I did, there would have been a lot of regrettable moves.

Matt: Now that you have finished the challenge, what do you think about it? Was it difficult?

Bumble: Before it started, I wasn't entirely sure I'd be able to do well at all. It seemed like it would be really confusing, but it was the exact opposite. I was really enjoying myself the whole time. I would say it was one of the coolest challenges I've ever participated in. 

Cam: Did you have a plan in mind for the challenge, or did you hit the ground running?

Bumble: I wanted to utilize the clues as much as I could. I wasn't sure where I'd be starting, but once I did, I decided to make my first move be up and then ask for a clue with the hope that I'd be told to go down. Once I was told to go down, I kinda just went with the flow.

Matt: By winning the second challenge, you will be the one who speaks with Operative GHOST in the elimination post. Do you have any predictions as to what will happen in the storyline?

Bumble: Oh, God no...but it's surely riveting. I guess I'll be looking forward to lots and lots of sad deaths. Hopefully, if I have to die, it's not too sad. 

Cam: To set the mood for the next week, do you have anything to say to your archenemies, the Mafia?

Bumble: Oh, this will be a good one. They beat us by quite a bit last challenge, yet we did the same this time. Even though we're kinda even, I feel like our team is gonna be performing very well. I'd enjoy all of the time that you still have left...

Matt: Thanks for coming out to the interview, Bumble, and we'll see if your threat holds weight, or even a foot, in the game of Skool of Salem. Until next time, this has been another successful week of...


Cam: Who is even watching this?


Challenge 3 post will be up on Monday, June 15, 2015.

Thanks for reading this interview, and who knows? Maybe it will be with you next time!


Penny said...