
Elimination 3

She is good and must endure, loving her so... and as we love ourselves we hate her foe.

The College for Preparing Salem, also known as CPS, was world-renowned for their efforts in giving students a quality education, both academically and socially. Of course, no one really cared about the nerds or the hipsters on its biggest sports event of the year. Diversity caused the popularity of soccer to skyrocket within the past few decades at the college, leading to a significant increase in funds.

Funds some groups wished to seize the opportunity to slip into their pockets.

On one side of the field were the Tigers, the golden stars of CPS. Their winning record was astonishing. They only lost two matches in their entire history, one of which occurred due to foul play against the Hens in the late twenties. Only a legendary opponent could take them down. Big money was to be had for those who bet against them, as the odds were extremely low of any defeat.

Il Liberatore always had a soft spot for sports and an affection for soft animals. Perhaps this led to his leanings toward the Red Pandas, the only team that seemed to pose a threat to the victories of the Tigers. He had tasked Bumble with ensuring their victory through any means. For once, "break a leg" might actually have some meaning.

It took Bumble a full day of rest to finally inform the other SKOOL members of what had happened.

"How do we know we can trust this guy?" asked Pück.

"Even if we do trust what he says, isn't he still a Maf--?" pondered Lewb.

"Listen, guys," Bumble interrupted. "We are in a dire situation. Order needs to be restored in this damned city, and doing a small favor for a possible ally is minor compared to what the Old Bosses have planned."

"Man sounded scary on phone." Koksa shivered, remembering the morning she first received a call.

"Confidence gets your foot in the door. And this foot involved a ball."

"What do you have planned?" inquired Pück, who was still apprehensive about the situation.

"I need to know that you guys have my back no matter what happens."

"Which entails...?"

"Trust me."

Pück sighed and looked over sadly at his other SKOOL members. Lewb glanced at the wall and back at his partner and nodded. Koksa stared without blinking at Bumble and smiled. 

"Fine. Let's do it."


The smell of freshly cut grass added to the anticipation for the big game. Today was meant to be the day that would define college sports. The College for Preparing Salem heavily advertised for months to ensure maximum profits. When you aren't big enough to be World Cup level, you have to deal with what you've got.

Fans of both teams swarmed from all over to reach the entrance of the stadium. The aroma of cheap popcorn and hot dogs filled the area enticing spectators to spend their hard-earned cash on more than just a college soccer game. Seats were kept warm by the rear end sweat of the previous occupiers, causing some to comment on the fresh scent of the stands.

After everyone settled in, an announcer walked up to his microphone ready to begin.

"Ladies aaaand gentlemen! Are you ready for the greatest showing of the greatest sport around?!?"

The audience roared back with cheers for one team or the other, creating a ruckus impossible to decipher reasonable noise from. Some may have been drunk already even though the game hadn't even started.

"Let us introduce the men of the hour! Hailing from their hometown of Salem, let's give a warm welcome to...the TIGERS!"

Suddenly, eleven soccer players decorated with white and gold stripes across their brand new expensive uniforms. Screams of joy erupted from the thousands of spectators. Would the game of soccer be changed forever with the defeat of this team?


it happened.

An explosion was detonated right as all members of the Tigers team entered the field. No one knew what was going on, but the crowds started evacuating en masse through the chaos. Screams of excitement turned into screams for help.

Police officers stormed the field in a last-ditch effort to save any remaining survivors. The entrance of the stadium was closed to keep the parking lot open for ambulances and police vehicles.

This ended up being a terrible predicament for the Mafia.

Damon had been hired by the Old Bosses to spectate the game to ensure that matters went smoothly. Had anything popped up, it was his job to clean it up and confirm that the Tigers were solid enough to gain a victory. Millions were on the line this game.

Now, he was trapped in the locker room tunnels with hundreds of scared fans trapped inside the stadium with him. The only option he had was to run.

"WE HAVE EYES ON A POSSIBLE SUSPECT, OVER!" yelled a police officer into his walkie-talkie. A squad of police officers sprinted after the Mafia member and soon got him into custody within ten minutes.

A Mafia was finally in the grasp of the police force alive. The amount of information that could possibly be extracted from this single individual was almost incomprehensible. Among the chaos of this horrific terrorist attack, there appeared to be some hope. For once, it seemed the police may actually win the war on organized crime.

Until a rogue agent of Il Liberatore ran past the shrieking crowds and reached the handcuffed Damon. Before the police could react, he pulled out a small revolver and fired a single shot into his gut. The officer in charge of bringing Damon into custody stood in shock.

Three officers tackled the Liberatori and started to beat him with their police batons. Damon lay on the ground struggling to deal with his impending doom. He had no knowledge of anything that had happened to him. Forces beyond him had destroyed his life, but he wasn't sure if it wasn't entirely deserved. Years of avoiding the system's laws had finally caught up to him.

An officer started to hold onto his stomach to keep the blood contained before a medical specialist could reach him. However, in the midst of the rioting fans, help was too far away. This was where it would end, a soccer stadium tunnel. 

At least he was closer to the light at the end of the tunnel.

Out of the light came a female figure. A police officer.

"What happened here?" she cried, running over to the police officers.

"We were about to detain this suspect until some idiot ran over and shot 'im, Officer Hough!"

"Oh... that's horrible...," Bumble cried. "Let me go and find some help!"

Bumble ran out of the tunnel and then stopped once out of sight of the officers. She pulled a detonator out of her pocket and smiled.


Thank you, Damon, for participating in Skool of Salem! We haven't seen you in such a long time that it feels great to finally reunite through this gameshow. Like we have previously stated, we may need you in the future. For now, we hope you stick around and hang out on the chat with us like the old days.

The Challenge 4 post will be up on Monday, June 29th, 2015 due to Florida2K15. To pass the time until then, I may have an in-between post to explore the story of the gameshow. Until then, thanks for helping make Skool of Salem what it is, everyone, and have yourself an amazing week.
