
Revision of Challenge 3 Results

One of my biggest fears running this gameshow is the possibility of it breaking chat. Last night, it seemed that was likely. Discussions turned to fistacuffs after I proposed a debate among different chat members as to how they would personally handle the situation. 

It turned out Lewis had missed the challenge due to network connectivity issues that were outside of his control. The previous precedent set in the past two challenges was that if contestants did not show up past between twenty to thirty minutes, they would not be able to compete in the challenge and they would be Bottom 2. However, we had never had to face this reality before, as contestants at risk of this always barely escaped the punishment.

If you remember from my previous post, I had not finalized the decision to outright eliminate Lewis. I had also postponed the thought process behind it until the elimination post. I regret that I had actually taken out a key wording that I thought I kept in the post the entirety of the discussion, which was discussed among Cam and I. The decision to eliminate Lewis outright was if he was gone under non-emergency circumstances, which it was determined he was in an out of control situation. Had Lewis decided to just skip the challenge, I would have stood by all three decisions in the previous post. This is, like the many others, a mistake on my part in this week's structure.

The upside to the discussion was that contestants went from purely hostile to understanding of each other's predicaments. Haxball's second match was unbalanced, but what were the two teams supposed to do given the circumstances? Both felt that each was due a win, but the apprehension to go with the truly fair options held back an impartial discussion. Through these fights, we were able to agree on what seemed like a fair way to deal with the situation, mainly thanks to Zach.

The contestants involved in the second match, also known as the 2 v 1, competed in a 2 v 2 final match that would decide the idol winner and the contestant who would face Lewis in a Bottom 2 match. Both teams fought hard in what should have just been the second match from the start. Instead of going in-depth about rounds, I will just say the scores for each game.

GAME 1: Andre scored 1 point, Lewis scored 0 points, Zach scored 2 points, Andy scored 3 points.

GAME 2: Andre scored 0 points, Lewis scored 8 points, Zach scored 2 points, Andy scored 2 points.

GAME 3: Andre scored 7 points, Lewis scored 0 points, Zach scored 0 points, Andy scored 0 points.

GAME 4: Andre scored 1 point, Lewis scored 0 points, Zach scored 1 point, Andy scored 2 points.

GAME 5: Andre scored 0 points, Lewis scored 2 points, Zach scored 0 points, Andy scored 6 points.

The final result of this being that the Mafia scored an additional 17 points for their team, while the Cops added on 19 points. The condition of this rematch was that these points would be added just to the first match and the total points would determine the team that wins the idol. This means a new three conditions:

1) The Cops have secured themselves an idol due to their 48 points in the first and third match, while the Mafia lost the idol due to their 25 point run.

2) Sand is now the winner of the idol due to achieving 29 solo goals.

3) Damon is now in the Bottom 2 with Lewis because he only scored 4 points in the first match. Zach was only one goal away from being tied for Bottom 2.

The elimination challenge this week will be Territory War Online. I have created two accounts for the Bottom 2 to use. If you guys are unsure how to play, please ask me. The games will be best of three, so feel free to practice as much as possible. I will need to know a date and time you would like to compete. 

The link to the website is http://www.xgenstudios.com/play/two. You will play the map Island II with 5 players each.

It's been a crazy week, but it's not over yet! I will be doing an interview with Andre and that will most likely be up after the elimination post. For now, I hope you guys have a great day and I will see you soon.
